Friday, August 17, 2012

Back, and hopefully fatter than ever!

Hello Loyal Readers (all 4 of you),

Finally, in this 3rd world country that I live in, I finally have internet at home. In this awesome bureaucratic country they call the UK, after 7.5 months, 3 different companies, and about 20 phone calls and 2 engineer visits, we are finally up and running.

I have assimilated into London culture. Except for the fact that this country makes me a miserable person on a day to day basis, I am having a great time here. Anyone who says food in the UK is terrible, really needs to have a wake up call. All across the city you can find great hidden treasures from Michelin star restaurants to great homely pubs to amazing street food and unique markets. Since we have arrived, we have been to Prague, Belgium, France and Spain, and in future blogs I will get more specific about everything. Honestly, I just wanted to say hi, let everyone know that we have internet, and hopefully this will push me into trying to blog on a regular basis.

Thank you everyone and Happy eating.
